Known Issues
- No Audio In Vertical Output - Dual Output - Streamlabs Desktop App Version
- Streamlabs Desktop [macOS] - Keyboards do not work as intended when using the Interact feature of the Browser source
- Cross Clip: Error Uploading Clips to TikTok
- Stream Report Emails - Duplications & Not Receiving
- Streamlabs Desktop - Facebook Scheduled Events Not Showing
- Streamlabs Desktop (macOS) - 32 Character Title Limit when TikTok is Linked See all 9 articles
Workaround Available
- [macOS] Streamlabs Desktop - Custom Widget Constantly Loading
- Streamlabs Desktop - Editor Screen in Studio Mode is Black
- Streamlabs Desktop - Using Dual Output with TikTok and Twitch, Twitch Stays Offline
- Streamlabs Desktop - Title doesn't "save" when clicking anywhere on the Go Live window if Instagram is enabled
- Mobile- When streaming to a scheduled stream, the thumbnail turns to a solid color
Awaiting Third Party
- Streamlabs Desktop - Games missing from Category dropdown when going live on TikTok
- Going Live To TikTok Opens a New Browser With a "No Internet Connection"
- Streamlabs Mobile - Screen share appearing smaller on the stream
- Widgets - YouTube emojis won't show up in the chatbox
- Mobile - Unable to Log In with YouTube Brand Account
- Streamlabs Ultra - Part of the cancellation flow is not visible on the screen.
- Issues with tipping through Paypal
- Widgets - Tip Goal Not Resetting to 0
- Unable to Multistream on iOS Devices
- Unable To Livestream To TikTok - TikTok US Ban affecting integration
- Unable to Go Live Using the Streamlabs OBS Studio Plugin See all 45 articles