Mobile - Unable to Log In with YouTube Brand Account

Date Reported:

May 13, 2024



Awaiting Third Party



YouTube adjusted its login process, so you cannot log in with your YouTube brand account.


Work Around:

  1. On, create a Streamlabs ID if you don't already have one. (Steps Here)
  2. Merge your Brand Account to the Streamlabs ID (not your regular YouTube login)
  3. Log out of the Mobile app and log in with your Streamlabs ID

You should now be able to stream using your Brand Account.

Still having this issue?

We are still looking to gather more information on this issue. If you're experiencing this issue, please submit a ticket to our team. But before hitting that send button, please make sure that you include either your Diagnostic Report (if you can launch Streamlabs Desktop) or your Cache.

How to Share Your Diagnostic Report
  1. Click on Settings in Streamlabs Desktop
  2. Go to Get Support
  3. Press Upload Diagnostic Report
  4. Paste this in the Diagnostic Report Code section toward the bottom of the ticket submission


How to Share Your Cache

You only need to share your Cache if you are unable to get your Diagnostic Report


  1. Copy: %appdata% and press the Windows Key on your keyboard
  2. Press CTRL + V, and then press Enter 
  3. Scroll down until you see the slobs-client folder
  4. Right-click the folder and select Compress to Zip File


  1. Open a new Finder window
  2. Click Go and then Go to Folder
  3. Copy ~/Library/Application Support
  4. Scroll down until you see the slobs-client folder
  5. If you have the ability to compress the file, please do so by right-clicking the file and selecting Compress.

Sharing the file

  1. Add the folder to your preferred file-sharing website (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).
  2. Add the link into the Diagnostic field or the Description of the ticket

Don't forget to make sharing permissions public!




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