How to set up Donations on Twitch

The live streaming industry is growing at an incredible rate. In the third quarter of 2020, people watched 7.46 billion hours of live streams, nearly twice as much time as they spent a year ago. Such a massive increase in viewers means more growth opportunities for live streamers. Whether your live stream is supported through tipping, the sale of virtual items, or merchandising, it is now more possible than ever to build a business with your content.

For many people, building a career from live streaming is the goal. It takes an enormous amount of time and a deep commitment to creating engaging content. It is possible to get there, but you’ll need some help along the way. Remember that live streaming should be something you do for the love of it first and foremost. You won’t become famous overnight, and that is okay. Whether you want to turn this into a career, or you do it just for fun, enabling a tip page on Streamlabs can help you along the way. In this blog, we’ll talk about how to set up donations on Twitch and customize your tip page settings. Let’s get started.

How to Create a Streamlabs Tip Page

Setting up a Streamlabs tip page is one of the easiest ways to start earning an income from streaming. We work with various payment processors, including PayPal, giving you more ways to monetize your channel than anyone else in the industry. Most importantly, setting up a tip page is entirely free. What’s more, we will never take a cut of the money you receive. Setting up your tip page only takes a few seconds, so let’s dive into it.

If you are logging into for the first time, the onboarding process will ask you to add your Paypal email address or other support payment processor. Once you finish that step, your tip page is ready to go; this is the fastest way to set up your donation page, but if you’ve already logged in or skipped the onboarding, you can also set up your tip page from the settings. To do that:

Step 1: Log in to the dashboard on Click on ‘Settings’ in the lower left-hand corner.

(Create Your Tip Page in the Settings)

Step 2: Click on Donation Settings > Methods and choose your preferred Payment Processor.

Step 3: Go through the necessary steps to connect your account.

After your account is connected, your tip page will be available at

Manage Tip Page Settings

You can manage a range of tip page settings from the Streamlabs dashboard. Not based in the US? Choose which currency you’d like donations to appear in. Set the minimum amount required to donate, and even adjust the recommended amount that appears for a user when they visit your tip page.

Edit the message that appears on your page when users visit, adjust profanity filters to block out offensive words, and even customize the image that appears as your donation page header.

Visit the dashboard to view all of the tip page settings.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Remember to follow us on Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , and YouTube .

You can download Streamlabs Desktop here.

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