To enable the Songrequest go to your Cloudbot tab -> Modules - here you’ll need to enable the Media Share module.
In the Preferences you’ll find a few settings to help manage the queue.
Then go to the Commands tab -> Default - look for the Media-Share section - here you can enable/disable the commands and edit all the responses as well as change the permission, add cooldown and add aliases like !sr and !songrequest (in the Advanced tab when editing !request)
Then go to your Media Share Widget Settings (found here or in Streamlabs Desktop in the Dashboard -> Widgets -> Media Share), enable the widget top right and you can change the settings at will, to help you figure out the Media Share Widget here is a video
Lastly make sure you have added the Media Share Widget source to your scene in your streaming software either with the Widget URL in a browser source or if you are using Streamlabs Desktop you can directly select the Media Share Widget when adding a new source.
How to use the commands:
- Request a song.
Command name: !request
Usage: !request
- You can only request with a link at the moment
- You can edit how many requests are allowed per user and more in the Media Share Module’s preferences)
- Allows a user to remove their last requested video.
Command name: !wrongvideo
Usage: !wrongvideo
- Adjusts media share volume.
Command name: !volume
Usage: !volume 50
- Returns the current video’s title.
Command name: !video
Usage: !video
- Viewers can vote to skip a video.
Command name: !skip
Usage: !skip
(you can edit how many votes are required to skip it in the Media Share Module’s preferences)
- Skips the current video immediately.
Command name: !veto
Usage: !veto
- Adds the current video to the blacklist & skips it.
Command name: !blacklist
Usage: !blacklist