Game Optimized Encoder Settings

Game aware video encoding automatically chooses the best encoder settings for you in Streamlabs Desktop based on the actual video game you're playing. It's a process we developed and is only available in Streamlabs Desktop. 

The game optimized encoder settings are currently only available when using software (x264) encoding and using Twitch as streaming service. If you use both, you can then enable the "use optimized encoder settings" found in the Go Live pop-up, where you set your Game and Title. The profile selection is only in effect when "Use optimized encoder settings" are enabled.

Using this will override the set, preset, and any custom x264 flags you have with the machine learned values

  • Medium profile; CPU usage is equivalent to x264 profile very fast but optimized for gameplay.
  • Low profile; CPU usage is equivalent to x264 profile ultrafast but optimized for gameplay.

If you use a dedicated stream PC to encode, or you have a powerful single PC that manages to go slower than very fast, it would not be best to use the optimized encoder settings, as no higher profile exists at this moment.

If you do not see the pop-up to set the game or title, make sure that Confirm stream title and game before going live is set found in the General Settings.

Read our blog post for more information

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