Unable To Livestream To TikTok - TikTok US Ban affecting integration

Date Reported:

January 18, 2025



TikTok has started re-enabling servers, and our integration should work for all users.


If you are still having issues, please follow the steps below and try again:

1. Log out of the Streamlabs Desktop App

2. Go to your platforms page here: https://streamlabs.com/dashboard#/settings/account-settings/platforms 

3. Unmerge TikTok

4. Once the page refreshes, merge TikTok once more

5. Once confirmed that the merge was successful, log back into the Streamlabs Desktop App

6. Attempt to go live to TikTok once more.


Keep in mind that this may be a gradual roll-out. Please be patient and allow some time for the process to complete. While it may work for some users right away, it may take extra time for it to work for you!

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