Streaming to X (Twitter) via an RTMP

Our X (Twitter) integration makes live streaming a breeze: Just connect your account and press go live. However, if you manage multiple X (Twitter) accounts or stream to a brand's account, you can easily set up a custom RTMP and stream key.

Before you get started, here are a few things that you need to know:

  1. The account you are streaming to must have a verified X Premium or Premium+ subscription.
  2. Whoever has access to log into the account needs to set up several things on that end before whoever is live streaming can go live.

We'll go through each step of the process with you, but if you'd like to skip around, you can use the table of contents here:

  1. How to Find X (Twitter) RTMP Information
  2. Adding RTMP Information
    1. Add to Streamlabs Desktop: Stream Only to X (Twitter) 
    2. Add to Streamlabs Desktop: Multistreaming
    3. Add to Talk Studio
  3. Create the Livestream on X (Twitter)
  4. Going Live
  5. Ending the Livestream

How to find X (Twitter) RTMP Information

  1. Log into the X Media Studio Producer. You can find this by clicking on Premium > Media Studio > Producer.
    Screenshot of Twitter Media Studio link location
  2. Click on the Sources tab.
  3. Click Create Source.
    Twitter Media Studio Producer screen
  4. Create a name for your source that you’ll recognize. Perhaps it’s the creator's name if you’re a brand or the software that you will use this for. Then, ensure you have selected RTMP and a region closest to you.
    Twitter RTMP source creation screen
  5. After pressing Create, you will see all the information for this source. Keep the RTMP URL and RTMP(s) stream key information handy for later.
    Example of where to locate Twitter RTMP URL and stream key

Adding to Your Streaming Software

Depending on what you are using to stream and whether you are multistreaming, how you add it to your streaming software will determine how you add it. Click on one of the links to hop to your preferred method:

Streamlabs Desktop

Streaming Only to X (Twitter)

This set of directions is for if you are only streaming to X (Twitter). If you are trying to add multistream to X and other destination(s), please click here to jump to those directions.

  1. Click on Settings > Stream and select Stream to custom ingest. Do not click on Add Destination.
    Streamlabs Desktop Stream settings window
  2. Choose Custom Streaming Server under “Stream Type” and paste the Twitter (X) information into the appropriate fields. It should look like this now:
    Example of Custom Streaming Server setup in Streamlabs Desktop
  3. Press Done

⬇️ Click here to jump to the next set of steps! ⬇️


These directions allow adding the Twitter (X) RTMP to stream to multiple destinations.

  1. Click on Settings > Stream and select Add Destination
  2. Fill out the information that you saved from X (Twitter). It should look similar to this:
    Streamlabs Desktop Sources window
  3. Press Save, and then you’re done!

⬇️ Click here to jump to the next set of steps! ⬇️

Adding to Talk Studio

Unlike Streamlabs Desktop, the way to add this destination is the same regardless of whether you are multistreaming or streaming to it individually.

  1. Click on your Profile Picture > Account Settings > Destinations
  2. At the very bottom, click Add Destination
    Talk Studio Sources menu
  3. Click Add Custom RTMP
    Talk Studio menu for adding stream destinations
  4. Name the destination and add the information from X (Twitter). It should look similar to this:
    Talk Studio custom RTMP screen
  5. Press Add, and you’re done!

Create the Livestream on X (Twitter)

Before the creator can go live, the X (Twitter) account owner must create a broadcast. The created broadcast can allow them to go live immediately or schedule a broadcast for the future.

There is only one setting that you would need to change to start immediately or to start later, which we go over in these steps:

  1. On X Media Studio, click on Broadcasts > Create Broadcast
    Twitter live stream settings
  2. Please fill out each section and use the Source as the custom RTMP you named at the beginning of the article.
    Twitter live stream settings window
  3. The Schedule is where you choose whether to start immediately or later. If you want to start it later, you will need to select the dates/times. You can also have it repeated daily or weekly.
    Twitter live stream scheduling window
  4. Click Create Broadcast.
  5. Under the Preview screen at the top, click the Post button.
    Twitter stream post window
  6. Create a post about the livestream. You can schedule the post to show it as the livestream should occur.
    Twitter live stream post settings

Going Live

We’ve reached the final part: press Go Live in your streaming software.

If you are using the “Streamlabs Desktop Streaming only to X (Twitter)”, it should go live automatically without adding any additional details.

If you are multistreaming through Streamlabs Desktop, toggle the custom RTMP in the confirm and go to the live screen. It is generally located at the bottom of your destinations list. Then press Confirm & Go Live.

Streamlabs destination go live settings screen

If you are going live through Talk Studio, You need to select your RTMP Destination (and any additional destinations if you are multistreaming). Then press Next.

Talk Studio go live destinations screen

Then, fill out some information. This will not update the information you already set up on X (Twitter).

Ending the Livestream

Pressing End Stream disconnects the stream from the RTMP. The “live” banner may disappear in a few seconds.

However, if the stream is not ending or you want to end it remotely, click End in the X Media Studio Producer > Broadcasts section.

Twitter Producer screenshot showing ending the stream with the End button

We hope this guide has helped you go live to X (Twitter) with Streamlabs tools. If you need additional help, please join our Discord community or submit a ticket to our support team. Happy streaming!

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