Streamlabs - New Account Signup Flow Looping

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November 12, 2024

If you are still experiencing this issue or have additional questions or concerns, please submit a ticket to our team, and we will be happy to help!

Date Reported:

October 28th, 2024



Investigating - Workaround Available



New accounts created on looping through the first time signup/onboarding flow. If you are experiencing this issue, we have a current workaround.

Option 1:

Clear your browser cache on your primary browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera GX etc..) then login to your account on You can clear your browser cache for your entire browser, or only from the site itself by clicking the settings for the website shown below, then select cookies and site data to clear cache.

Option 2:

1. In a new tab, enter in your URL bar on your browser then hit enter
2. When you land the Streamlabs website again, right click the page and select "Inspect" 
3. Navigate to the Application tab at the top (as shown in the screenshot below, #1)
4. Confirm Storage is select in the left hand nav panel (#2)
5. Confirm Main Panel shows (#3)
6. Click Clear site data button then reload your browser tab (#4)
7. Proceed with login

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