Date Reported:
July 21, 2024
Workaround Available
Our team at Streamlabs Mobile is currently addressing an issue in which Youtube is unable to recognize the uploaded thumbnails. As per our developers' investigation, it appears that Youtube has a specific threshold for the number of thumbnails that can be uploaded (the exact number is currently unknown) and also enforces a file size limit of less than 2MB for thumbnails.
Things to try:
- Set the thumbnail when thee broadcast is created
- If the thumbnail wasn't applies, try another image with the size less than 2 MB
- Try again after some time (a few hours)
Still have this issue?
If you're still experiencing this issue, please submit a ticket to our team. But before hitting that send button, please make sure to fill out the following information (either in the fields or the body of the ticket):
- The operating system of the device (android/iOS) and the version number:
- Specific device you are streaming with (i.e. Samsung S24, iPhone 14, etc.)
- Streamlabs Mobile Application version number:
Click on the lines in the top corner > Support. You will see the version number at the bottom - What are you logged in with (i.e., Streamlabs ID - email address, Twitch - Twitch username, etc.)?
- If you are getting an error, what is it?