Streamlabs Desktop - Losing TikTok Access

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August 26, 2024

TikTok reached out to us indicating that there was a bug on their end that removed access from a percentage of the Streamlabs base. They have fixed the bug and restored access for the affected users.  If you are still experiencing this issue, please check out the notes below.


Date Reported:

May 15th, 2024



Some individuals are losing access to their TikTok Stream Access and must reapply. Here are some reasons why you may be losing your Tiktok Stream Access:

  1. First 14 Days of Access: You have gone live twice in this time period. These need to be at least 25-minute long streams.
  2. 180 Days of Access: To keep renewing your access, you must have gone live at least three times within the past 30 days. These also need to be at least 25-minute long streams.
  3. Violated Community Guidelines: If you violate community guidelines once, you will lose access and must reapply. These violations can fall off, so it's important that you keep checking for any violation notifications. 
    You can check your violation history in the TikTok App under Profile > Creator tools > LIVE > Rules and guidance > Restrictions. 

If you have any bans or want to request any information, contact TikTok's Trust & Safety department at

If TikTok shares that you need to reach out to us, please submit a ticket and include a screenshot of the email(s) that TikTok sent.



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