How to Cancel Streamlabs Ultra Subscription

So you’ve been subscribed to Streamlabs Ultra and have ultimately made the decision that it isn’t quite right for you. Maybe it doesn’t currently fit into your budget, or maybe you’re taking a break from creating content and won’t have any use for it for a bit. While we hate to see you go, we’re happy to report that canceling your subscription is an option (however, keep in mind that you may reach out to support by submitting a ticket, checking our Help Center for resources, or even connecting with us on Discord.

If you still wish to cancel your subscription, follow the below steps.

  1. Head over to your Streamlabs Dashboard and log in with your Streamlabs ID or whichever streaming platform account is attached to your Streamlabs Ultra account. 
  2. Once logged in, click on your profile picture icon in the top right navigation bar, then select Memberships.
  3. On the top of the membership page, you will see your active Streamlabs Ultra subscription and your next payment date. To the far right, click Cancel to begin unsubscribing from Ultra.

  4. On the next screen, tell Streamlabs why you want to cancel your Ultra membership. Select from the reasons provided or tell us in the Other field. Don’t be shy—we truly want your honest feedback!

  5. Your Streamlabs Ultra subscription comes with many features and access to various tools for content creators. Before your cancellation is confirmed, please review the screens to know exactly what features you’ll lose access to by downgrading from Streamlabs Ultra. If you agree, select Continue Canceling.

  6. Next, you’ll see the Success! screen, confirming your cancellation request has been received. Please reference this screen for the date your Ultra benefits will end and what features you may still use with the free Streamlabs Starter Plan.

If you need any further help, don’t hesitate to reach out on the Streamlabs Discord server!

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