Setting up Stream Labels


Using Streamlabs Desktop?

You can add a Stream Labels with just a few simple clicks!

If Not, No Worries!

Scroll down the page for instructions for using the Streamlabels Application.



  • Add a Stream Label Source

  • Name the Label Source

  • Pick the Label Type and Customize as you wish!

  • That's it! You're done! Feel free to add more labels as you wish!




Not Using Streamlabs Desktop?

Below are some quick easy steps to get started with using stream labels



  • Download from the Streamlabs Website.

    1. Click here to be redirected to the StreamLabels desktop app download page.
      • As of now, we support Windows and Mac.
      • The Linux version will be released as soon as it is finished.


  • Run the Streamlabels app that you downloaded from our site.

    1. Upon opening the app and you will be prompted with a login window.

    2. Enter in your login credentials and then you will be prompted again to set an output directory.
      • If the login window never appears it usually means something is blocking the pop up.
      • We suggest allowing StreamLabels through any antivirus software.
      • Try disabling any antivirus if you have any issues with logging in.

    3. Simply find or create a new folder to save all your new text files to.
      • My Documents area is usually a good place.
      • Now all the files will be added to the folder.


  • Add your text sources to your streaming software.

    1. Open your streaming software and click to add a source and "add a text source".

    2. Find the read from file section and check it and then click the browse and navigate to your folder you created earlier.

    3. Decide what you want to display from the many files
      • ex: If you want to display your most recent follower use most_recent_follower.txt


  • Now go start streaming & have fun! :)

    • Remember: The StreamLabels app needs to be running on your computer for it to update the text files in real time.



Outdated video, but still contains useful information: (skip to 1:40 for instructions) 


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