Talk Studio Recording

Record your live stream by selecting a record option from your Talk Studio Settings page. (Shift+G)


Talk Studio offers two (2) record options

  • Record is your general stream/cloud recording option. Audio-only file available as well.
  • Local Recording separates video and audio tracks per participant. (*mobile devices not supported.)

Recording length per subscription:

  • Free - 4 hours of live streaming & recording per month
  • Standard - 4 hours of recording per session
  • Pro - 10 hours of recording per session

(*Once the limit of recording has been reached, the recording will stop but you may continue your live broadcast. To not impact performance-related issues or CPU over usage, it is recommended that you enable any setting or feature normally used only.)

By enabling a record option(s), your Go Live button will be displayed as:


By disabling all record option(s), your Go Live button will be displayed as:  


You will also see a toggle "Also record this livestream" when selecting your destinations, if you ever forget to enable a record option before going live:


Your Broadcasts & Recordings Page

After finishing your live stream, visit your Broadcasts & Recordings page to review your available downloads and past broadcast history.

1. To locate your Broadcasts & Recordings page, click your Account icon then click Account Settings.


2. Select Broadcasts & Recordings from your menu page.


*To prevent the loss of broadcasts & recordings, it is best practice to download your recordings onto an external hard drive for safekeeping once your live stream is available for download. After the allotted time has expired (see below), older recordings will be automatically deleted with no retrieval available after that point.

Storage per subscription:

  • Free users - 15 of the most recent recordings will be saved for 3 days
  • Standard users - 15 of the most recent recordings will be saved for 15 days
  • Pro users - 15 of the most recent recordings will be saved for 30 days

Change Where Your Downloads Are Stored

If you would like to change the location of where your recordings are downloaded, open a blank browser window and type in "chrome://settings/downloads". Then click Change next to Location.


Recording: How To End Your Live Stream


When you have ended your live stream, please press the End Stream button on your studio, to ping our servers that you’re done with your broadcast. *Closing your browser window, will result in a continuous live broadcast for up to 5 minutes.



When you have ended your live stream, please press the Leave button on your studio, to ping our servers that you are done with the show. *Closing your browser window, will result in a continuous live broadcast for up to 5 minutes.


Your Guest's Experience

  • If a guest changes their video/audio settings, their "recorded" file will stop and a new recording file will start with their updated video/audio changes. (See Local Recording for details.)
  • Hosts - Local recording is not supported on mobile devices. Please ensure your guests accept your invitation through computer & Chrome browser only. 
  • If your guest is removed due to a lack of network connection and then they are added back to your studio, a new recording file will start.
  • If you have enabled local recording, please ensure your guests press the Leave button when they are done, otherwise, you will not be able to download their recording afterward. 
  • If your recording is interrupted within the first 10-15 seconds due to network issues, the recording will not be uploaded due to server requirements. (file size less than 5Mb)

If for any reason you are unable to download your recordings, please email our team at with your Broadcast ID and/or Stream Title with date of stream, and we'd be happy to re-upload your broadcast for download. Thank you.

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