Talk Studio Destination Troubleshooting

Facebook Troubleshooting

  • If you are not listed as an 'admin' of a Group or Page, please contact the owner to invite your personal profile as an admin.
  • If you do not see your Group or Page when adding a new destination, your Group or Page is registered under a different email address. Please log out of and log back in under the correct email address. 
  • After pressing the Go Live button, Talk Studio will only allow you to broadcast on 10 Facebook destinations per stream only.

Your Personal Profile

Please ensure that you add your profile to your Destinations page since for any Group/Page you own or manage, your personal profile will always be marked as the admin for that Group/Page. If you wish to double-check that you have included your personal profile properly, please log into and visit your Profile Settings & Privacy > Settings > Business Integrations page

Your Facebook Group

After including your profile on your Talk Studio Destinations page, it's recommended that you first visit your Group's homepage > Members section to check that your profile is marked as an 'admin'. *If your profile is not marked as an admin, please contact the owner of the group to invite you and mark your profile as an admin.

Once you have confirmed that your profile is listed as an admin, please visit your Group Settings > Apps page to install the dedicated Talk Studio (Streaming) app. 

Your Facebook Page

When adding your Page to your Destinations on Talk Studio, please ensure that your personal profile is displayed under People with Facebook Access. To check, please visit your Page Settings > New Pages Experience > Page Access.

YouTube Troubleshooting

  • YouTube requires that you have completed two (2) verification steps. To verify your YouTube channel please visit (24 hours to verify)
  • Once you have been verified, please log into your YouTube Studio and locate & click Create > Go-live > Right now > Built-in webcam. This is very important to complete so that YouTube does not flag your channel as spam. For further details, please visit Talk Studio: Streaming Destinations for general setup.
  • After 24 hours have elapsed from the time that you live streamed from your Youtube Studio, you will have access to go live to your channel from your Talk Studio.

Instagram Troubleshooting

  • Instagram does not officially support live broadcasting directly on their platform. Because of this, you will need a third party to receive your own dedicated RTMP Server URL and Stream Key. 
  • Some accounts on Instagram may already have LIVE/RTMP Settings applied. Also known as Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP), is widely used as a communication protocol for streaming audio, video, and data over the Internet. It is advised that you log into to check if your account offers LIVE settings as it may not be available for all accounts currently.
  • If you wish to live stream to your IG account, a third-party platform will be required such as, in order to receive your unique Server URL and Stream key.
  • If you already have applied your IG account as a Custom RTMP on Talk Studio, please be sure to press the Portrait Mode button before choosing to go live since your display will be in vertical mode by default.  
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