How to Export Data as a Charity

For general recordkeeping and accounting, many charities like to export their donation data into a spreadsheet or .csv file. We’ve made this extremely simple, and it only takes a moment. Here’s to export your donation data: 


Step 1: Log in to your dashboard 

Step 2: Choose your data

We offer exports on 3 categories of data: 

  1. Global: A generic export of all donation data, optionally segmented by streamer
  2. Opt-Ins: A list of all the donors that have opted-in to receive email marketing communications from you.
  3. Charity Event: Donation data segmented by fundraising event. 

💡 Note: If your charity accepts donations on behalf of multiple causes, the Global report is where you’ll find the donor-specified allocations for each cause.


Step 3: Export your data

Once you’ve defined the data you’re looking for, click the Export to CSV button, and your data  will download. For large downloads, please allow 3 minutes or so to process this request.


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